This gallery presents animations of methods, experimental data and numerical simulations to get a rapid feeling of the diverse projects I worked on. More details cab be found in my research projects.
Growth of E.coli in microfluidic device with oriC (red) and FtsZ (green) tags.
Observation of E.coli cells growing in a microfluidics device (horizontal channels). Cells can be seen in dark blue. The origins of replication can be seen as red dots (FROS method). The divisome is seen in green through the GFP tagging of FtsZ.
3D imaging of the E.coli nucleoid
Reconstruction of the 3D shape of an E.coli nucleoid over time.
AFM imaging
Cartoon explaining the basic functionning of an AFM (realised with Blender).
DNA catenane supercoiling
DNA catenanes, two interlinked DNA molecules, arise during replication. In addition each molecules gets supercoils from gyrase. This is a Brownian dynamics simulation of this process.