7. Creating a pipeline

In the previous chapter we created a procedure to isolate nuclei from images. Very often the goal is to repeat the exercise on multiple images in order to compare different conditions. Here we are going to see how to package our pipeline into a function, how to apply it to multiple images and how to plot the result for comparison.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import skimage
import skimage.io
import skimage.morphology
from scipy import ndimage as ndi

Creating an image processing function

We have seen previously how to define a function. It needs the def descriptor, a name and inputs. What we are doing here is just copying all the lines that we used for our pipeline in the last chapter into this function. At the moment the only input is the path to a given file to analyze. We also try to document what the function does, what its input/output are etc.

def my_pipeline(image_path):
    This function extracts information about nuclei found in the third channel of an image
    loaded at the given path
    image_path: str
        path to image
    my_table: pandas dataframe
        dataframe with label, area, mean_intensity and extent information for each nucleus
    image_stack = skimage.io.imread(image_path)
    image_nuclei = image_stack[:,:,2]#blue channel in RGB
    image_signal = image_stack[:,:,1]#green channel in RGB

    # filter image
    image_nuclei = skimage.filters.median(image_nuclei, skimage.morphology.disk(5))

    # create mask and clean-up
    mask_nuclei = image_nuclei > skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(image_nuclei)
    mask_nuclei = skimage.morphology.binary_closing(mask_nuclei, footprint=skimage.morphology.disk(5))
    mask_nuclei = ndi.binary_fill_holes(mask_nuclei, skimage.morphology.disk(5))
    # label image
    my_labels = skimage.morphology.label(mask_nuclei)

    # measure
    my_regions = skimage.measure.regionprops_table(my_labels, image_signal, properties=('label','area', 'mean_intensity'))
    my_table = pd.DataFrame(my_regions)
    return my_table

We can now test our function with a single image:

table = my_pipeline('https://github.com/guiwitz/PyImageCourse_beginner/raw/master/images/46658_784_B12_1.tif')
label area mean_intensity
0 1 4221 79.265103
1 2 8386 65.997734
2 3 18258 70.261091
3 4 4043 63.026713
4 5 73 47.438356
5 6 49056 53.714510
6 7 45671 53.807099
7 8 20537 70.453912
8 9 46853 66.137729
9 10 43277 41.412552
10 11 40768 58.675039
11 12 15090 44.198144
12 13 35404 74.771551
13 14 47642 41.701902
14 15 54978 35.904107
15 16 26774 53.077874
16 17 4 112.000000
17 18 812 102.986453
18 19 54298 56.110207
19 20 29638 66.283791

Adjusting the function behavior

We have recovered the same result as previously and can analyze again our data as we did before. The mask is also plotted by default when calling the function. This is helpful to test the function and verify that nothing went dramatically wrong but we probably don’t want to see this image if we analyze hundreds of images. What we can do is leave the user the choice to see it or not. Let’s adjust our function to do that: we add an additional optional parameter do_plotting which is simply a boolean (True/False). If True, plotting is happening, if False it’s not.

def my_pipeline(image_path, do_plotting=False):
    This function extracts information about nuclei found in the third channel of an image
    loaded at the given path
    image_path: str
        path to image
    do_plotting: bool
        show segmentation or not
    my_table: pandas dataframe
        dataframe with label, area, mean_intensity and extent information for each nucleus
    image_stack = skimage.io.imread(image_path)
    image_nuclei = image_stack[:,:,2]#blue channel in RGB
    image_signal = image_stack[:,:,1]#green channel in RGB

    # filter image
    image_nuclei = skimage.filters.median(image_nuclei, skimage.morphology.disk(5))

    # create mask and clean-up
    mask_nuclei = image_nuclei > skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(image_nuclei)
    mask_nuclei = skimage.morphology.binary_closing(mask_nuclei, selem=skimage.morphology.disk(5))
    mask_nuclei = ndi.binary_fill_holes(mask_nuclei, skimage.morphology.disk(5))
    # label image
    my_labels = skimage.morphology.label(mask_nuclei)

    # measure
    my_regions = skimage.measure.regionprops_table(my_labels, image_signal, properties=('label','area', 'mean_intensity'))
    if do_plotting:
    my_table = pd.DataFrame(my_regions)
    return my_table

You see that we added an ìf statment in our code. This is the place where we control for plotting or not. To learn more about it, visit the next notebook!

table = my_pipeline('https://github.com/guiwitz/PyImageCourse_beginner/raw/master/images/46658_784_B12_1.tif')

Now indeed our function doesn’t produce any output if we don’t explicitly ask for it.

Analyzing multiple images

The point of creating an image processing pipeline was to be able to easily analyze multiple images. We can do that now by using a simple for loop. First we create a list of files we want to analyze and that we can see here and here.

files_to_analyze = [

Now we create a for loop that will go through this list of files and analyze each of them with our function. To learn more about for loops visit the next chapter on Logical Flow. Before the loop, we create an empty list that is going to be filled with the output of the function. We also add to the output DataFrame a column with the filename that we can recover by splitting the address files_to_analyze[0].split('/')[-1]. Note that the split function is a method of string objects that allows to split string where we find a certain character (here /):

all_tables = []
for file in files_to_analyze:
    #use the function
    new_table = my_pipeline(file)
    #add image index
    new_table['filename'] = file.split('/')[-1]
    #append the result to the list
_images/07-Pipeline_19_0.png _images/07-Pipeline_19_1.png

Finally we can concatenate our results into a single table. For this we use a Pandas function called concat which just glues two DataFrames together:

complete_info = pd.concat(all_tables)
label area mean_intensity filename
0 1 4221 79.265103 46658_784_B12_1.tif
1 2 8386 65.997734 46658_784_B12_1.tif
2 3 18258 70.261091 46658_784_B12_1.tif
3 4 4043 63.026713 46658_784_B12_1.tif
4 5 73 47.438356 46658_784_B12_1.tif
5 6 49056 53.714510 46658_784_B12_1.tif
6 7 45671 53.807099 46658_784_B12_1.tif
7 8 20537 70.453912 46658_784_B12_1.tif
8 9 46853 66.137729 46658_784_B12_1.tif
9 10 43277 41.412552 46658_784_B12_1.tif
10 11 40768 58.675039 46658_784_B12_1.tif
11 12 15090 44.198144 46658_784_B12_1.tif
12 13 35404 74.771551 46658_784_B12_1.tif
13 14 47642 41.701902 46658_784_B12_1.tif
14 15 54978 35.904107 46658_784_B12_1.tif
15 16 26774 53.077874 46658_784_B12_1.tif
16 17 4 112.000000 46658_784_B12_1.tif
17 18 812 102.986453 46658_784_B12_1.tif
18 19 54298 56.110207 46658_784_B12_1.tif
19 20 29638 66.283791 46658_784_B12_1.tif
0 1 31346 91.784279 27897_273_C8_2.tif
1 2 1022 118.964775 27897_273_C8_2.tif
2 3 32149 108.144048 27897_273_C8_2.tif
3 4 21866 87.044407 27897_273_C8_2.tif
4 5 25406 82.585177 27897_273_C8_2.tif
5 6 26270 93.764675 27897_273_C8_2.tif
6 7 19557 101.465102 27897_273_C8_2.tif
7 8 2 20.500000 27897_273_C8_2.tif
8 9 16367 70.146331 27897_273_C8_2.tif
9 10 28357 77.683218 27897_273_C8_2.tif
10 11 19552 73.210158 27897_273_C8_2.tif
11 12 19288 75.883036 27897_273_C8_2.tif
12 13 58364 87.722003 27897_273_C8_2.tif
13 14 22228 105.550837 27897_273_C8_2.tif
14 15 49020 73.625255 27897_273_C8_2.tif
15 16 2009 68.762071 27897_273_C8_2.tif

We can then check if there’s any difference in intensity in the nucleus between the two images:

plt.hist(all_tables[0]['mean_intensity'], bins = np.arange(0,150,10), color = 'red')
plt.hist(all_tables[1]['mean_intensity'], bins = np.arange(0,150,10), alpha = 0.5, color = 'blue')

Of course our actual goal is not just to measure the intensity within the nucleus but to compare the intensity inside and on the edge of the nuclei. This is demonstrated in the Demo notebooks.